Create Send Email Marketing Software

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Quick glossary of all content tags

Email Marketing SupportClient Login

Here's a quick glossary for all the different tags we support in that you can include in your email content, whether you are using templates or not..

Unsubscribe link

Adds a single-click unsubscribe link anywhere in your email content.

HTML emails - <unsubscribe>your content here</unsubscribe>

Plain text emails - [unsubscribe]

Web-based version of your email content

Adds a link to a web-based version of your email, which is great for those recipients using email environments that might have trouble displaying your HTML in all its glory.

HTML emails - <webversion>your content here</webversion>

Plain text emails - [webversion]

Forward to a Friend

Adds a link to a forward to a friend page where your recipients can forward the email to up to 5 friends at a time, and even add their own personal message. You can customize the look and feel of this page for each client.

HTML emails - <forwardtoafriend>your content here</forwardtoafriend>

Plain text emails - [forwardtoafriend]

Preference Center

Adds a link to the Preference Center for that list where each subscriber can update their subscription details (including name, email address or custom fields) or unsubscribe from the list altogether. Just like Forward to a Friend, you can customize the look and feel of this page for each client.

HTML emails - <preferences>your content here</preferences>

Plain text emails - [preferences]

Personalizing your content for each recipient

Adds the recipients own personal data into the email content. You can also personalize your emails with custom field data, which we explain more about here.

First Name - [firstname,fallback=your content here]

Last Name - [lastname,fallback=your content here]

Full Name - [fullname,fallback=your content here]

Email address - [email]

Disabling link tracking and image importing

Use these snippets in your link and images tags to turn off link tracking for any link in your content, or prevent us from importing a specific image and referencing it on our servers instead of your own.

Turning off image importing - cm_dontimportimage - For example: <img src="" width="20" height="20" alt="alt text here" cm_dontimportimage>

Turning off link tracking - cm_dontconvertlink - For example: <a href="" cm_dontconvertlink>this is a link</a>

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  • Updated: Saturday 1st Feb 2025